We are specialists in the creation of numerical flow models of groundwater, using specific MODFLOW software, through the ModelMuse interface, both of which have been developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Using these models we are able to carry out:
We are specialists in the creation of numerical flow models of groundwater, using specific MODFLOW software, through the ModelMuse interface, both of which have been developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Using these models we are able to carry out:
- Definition of the main contour elements (spatio-temporal discretisation) as well as the hydraulic parameters of the main elements.
- Development of models at the local level (plots), and models at the regional level (municipalities, aquifers, groundwater bodies, etc.).
- Model calibration based on real values measured on-site (by measuring water tables in wells and piezometers).
- Modelling for structures such as perimeter walls, mines (open pits and underground galleries), tunnels, drains, and other structures.
- Results of the model:
– Hydrogeological balance at aquifer level
– Steady-state piezometry
– Future state piezometry
– Pumping rates for conducting groundwater dewatering
– Cones of depression and areas of influence created by dewatering of the groundwater table
– Hydrogeological cross-sections with the position of the groundwater table
- Saline intrusion modelling in coastal aquifers
- Pollutant transport modelling
We also perform DFN (Discrete Fracture Network) models to analyse flow behaviour in a complex fractured system.
Technical services
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